Our Experts

We work with a network of local, expert curators in the hospitality and entertainment industries to share their favorite recommendations and perform in our exclusive events.

Benefits of being a Seek Expert

Attend Monthly Events

We offer monthly events for our curators to get to know each other. Some of our past events include a bagel tour, drag show, and holiday party.

Grow Your Network

Meet other expert curators who share similar values and passion as you!

Monetize Your Services

Get paid for exclusive gigs in your city and sell your services and experiences directly on the Seek app.

We work with professionals, bloggers, and other enthusiasts within the hospitality and entertainment space.

  • @jena.lane

    Award winning mixologist at Raines Law Room and Dear Irving

    Recs: cocktail bars

  • @gordonpolatnick

    25 year veteran of New York jazz scene

    Recs: jazz shows

  • @thecloseupartist

    Professional magician at various venues in NYC

    Recs: magic shows

  • @dessertbuzz

    Pastry chef and bakery critic for Saveur and Serious Eats

    Recs: dessert shops

Apply to be a Seek expert curator today